of Arts in Translation
of Scripture

MATS is a Northwest Seminary degree delivered in partnership with local Bible Translation organizations around the world. Graduates meet all FOBAI Translation Consultant qualifications.
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Master of Arts in Translation of Scripture

Canada Institute of Linguistics, in partnership with Northwest Seminary, has begun piloting a new Master of Arts in Translation of Scripture (MATS). We have built this degree program from the ground up with a specific audience in mind, and a desire to better serve our international partners in the Bible translation movement.

At first glance, MATS resembles any other graduate degree program but a look ‘under the hood’ reveals something quite different: it has been designed with a strong commitment to competency-based pedagogy; it is delivered in partnership with Bible translation organizations; and it relies on team-based mentoring for delivery. Graduates from this program will have demonstrated mastery of the competencies required of a translation consultant recognized by the Forum of Bible Agencies International.

Admission Requirements

The intended audience for the MATS program is composed of experienced, mother-tongue Bible translators actively involved in a translation project with one of our approved Field Partner organizations. Priority is given to students seeking to qualify as translation consultants. Applicants must therefore:

  • be nominated by a sponsoring organization that has submitted the required forms;
  • have substantial translation experience and be active in a Bible translation project;
  • have an undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degree or qualifying equivalent;
  • demonstrate sufficient competency in the English language;
  • be capable of travelling to a central location with other students from their home country at least twice a year for training; and
  • have sufficient and reliable access to electricity, internet, and a computer.

Program Fees

Because we recognize that the vast majority of students to whom we wish to bring MATS training reside in low to middle income countries, CanIL will work with Ministry Context Partners and funding institutions to secure program costs on behalf of the student. Funders interested in supporting the program should contact CanIL’s Development Office.

How to Apply

The MATS application process begins with interested organizations becoming approved Ministry Context Partners of Canada Institute of Linguistics. Once approved as a Ministry Context Partner, the organization’s potential students may be nominated to the program. Nominees will then receive the necessary application forms.

Individual students interested in MATS training must first talk to the leadership of their organization to determine if it is already, or would like to become, an approved CanIL Ministry Context Partner. Organizations that wish to become CanIL Ministry Context Partners should contact the MATS Program Chair.

More Information

A prospectus for the MATS degree is available for download by clicking the link below. General inquiries about the MATS program may be directed to the CanIL Admissions Team.
